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Metric Library

The Cyber Metric Library is a list of security metrics that can be used as a baseline for any executive reporting platform. The list is not exhaustive, and is focussed primarily on technical controls that can be measured easily with available tooling.

How to use this guide

Types of Metrics

  • control A measure that tracks the implementation of actions, processes, or technologies designed to reduce or mitigate risks within the organization.
  • risk A measure that provides visibility into existing or potential risks within the organization, helping to assess areas of vulnerability.
  • performance A measure that evaluates the efficiency and speed with which a team is executing and delivering on control implementations and operational tasks.

Framework references

The following frameworks are used in the mapping of metrics

List of Metrics

Domain Sub Domain Metric Type
Vulnerability Agent Coverage Systems with an up-to-date agent deployed control
Vulnerability Patchable vulnerabilities Systems without exploitable patchable vulnerabilities risk
Vulnerability Patchable vulnerabilities Systems without exploitable patchable vulnerabilities remediated within SLO performance
Identity Credentials Regular Password Rotation control
Identity Privileges Accounts without Admin privileges risk
Identity Dormant Identities Accounts in use risk
Identity Authentication Identities with MFA risk
Network Application Firewall External endpoints protected by a WAF control
Network Insecure Ports External endpoints with insecure ports exposed risk
Development Secure Code Repositories without exploitable vulnerabilities risk
Development Secure Code Repositories without exploitable vulnerabilities remediated within SLO performance
Development Repository coverage Repositories with SAST / DAST scanning enabled control
Data Protection Backup Coverage Systems with backups configured per their SLO control
Data Protection Backup Execution Systems that has had a successful backup per their SLO risk
Data Protection Drive Encryption Systems with their volumes encrypted risk
Malware Agent Coverage Systems with an up-to-date agent deployed control
User Security Awareness Users completed awareness training in the last 12 months control

Systems with an up-to-date agent deployed


The percentage of systems with up-to-date vulnerability management agents deployed, providing critical visibility into security gaps and enabling swift action to protect the organization from exploitable weaknesses.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.8 8 Technological controls Management of technical vulnerabilities
CIS 8.1 7.5 Continuous Vulnerability Management Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Internal Enterprise Assets
CIS 8.1 7.6 Continuous Vulnerability Management Perform Automated Vulnerability Scans of Externally-Exposed Enterprise Assets
NIST CSF v2.0 ID.RA-01 Risk Assessment (ID.RA) ID.RA-01: Vulnerabilities in assets are identified, validated, and recorded

Systems without exploitable patchable vulnerabilities


The percentage of systems within the organization that are free of known exploitable vulnerabilities with available patches, highlighting the organization's ability to reduce risk through timely patch management and ensuring a secure operational environment.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.8 8 Technological controls Management of technical vulnerabilities
CIS 8.1 7.3 Continuous Vulnerability Management Perform Automated Operating System Patch Management
CIS 8.1 7.4 Continuous Vulnerability Management Perform Automated Application Patch Management
NIST CSF v2.0 ID.RA-01 Risk Assessment (ID.RA) ID.RA-01: Vulnerabilities in assets are identified, validated, and recorded

Systems without exploitable patchable vulnerabilities remediated within SLO


The percentage of systems that have resolved exploitable, patchable vulnerabilities within the agreed Service Level Objective (SLO), providing critical insight into the organization's ability to minimize exposure to known threats and reduce the attack surface effectively.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.8 8 Technological controls Management of technical vulnerabilities
CIS 8.1 7.7 Continuous Vulnerability Management Remediate Detected Vulnerabilities
NIST CSF v2.0 ID.RA-01 Risk Assessment (ID.RA) ID.RA-01: Vulnerabilities in assets are identified, validated, and recorded

Regular Password Rotation


Regular password rotation ensures that credentials are periodically updated, reducing the risk of unauthorized access from compromised or stale passwords, which is critical to maintaining the security of your organization's systems and data.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.5 8 Technological controls Secure authentication
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.AA-02 Identity Management, Authentication, and Access Control (PR.AA) PR.AA-02: Identities are proofed and bound to credentials based on the context of interactions

Accounts without Admin privileges


The percentage of user accounts configured without administrative rights, which is critical for reducing the attack surface, limiting the potential impact of compromised credentials, and aligning with least-privilege security principles to protect organizational systems and data.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.2 8 Technological controls Privileged access rights
CIS 8.1 5.4 Account Management Restrict Administrator Privileges to Dedicated Administrator Accounts
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.AA-05 Identity Management, Authentication, and Access Control (PR.AA) PR.AA-05: Access permissions, entitlements, and authorizations are defined in a policy, managed, enforced, and reviewed, and incorporate the principles of least privilege and separation of duties

Accounts in use


Dormant Identities tracks the number of unused or inactive accounts within the organization, providing critical insight into potential security risks as dormant accounts are prime targets for unauthorized access and exploitation, making their identification and timely deactivation essential for reducing the attack surface and maintaining robust access controls.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.5.16 5 Organizational controls Identity management
CIS 8.1 5.3 Account Management Disable Dormant Accounts
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.AA-01 Identity Management, Authentication, and Access Control (PR.AA) PR.AA-01: Identities and credentials for authorized users, services, and hardware are managed by the organization

Identities with MFA


The percentage of user accounts secured with multi-factor authentication, a critical metric that quantifies the effectiveness of identity protection by reducing the risk of unauthorized access and safeguarding sensitive assets, making it vital for minimizing the impact of credential-based attacks.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.5.17 5 Organizational controls Authentication information
CIS 8.1 6.3 Access Control Management Require MFA for Externally-Exposed Applications
CIS 8.1 6.4 Access Control Management Require MFA for Remote Network Access
CIS 8.1 6.5 Access Control Management Require MFA for Administrative Access
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.AA-03 Identity Management, Authentication, and Access Control (PR.AA) PR.AA-03: Users, services, and hardware are authenticated

External endpoints protected by a WAF


The "Network Application Firewall: External Endpoints Protected by a WAF" metric measures the proportion of external-facing endpoints shielded by a Web Application Firewall (WAF), highlighting an organization's ability to prevent unauthorized access, mitigate threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, and safeguard critical systems from cyberattacks, making it a key indicator of external-facing application security.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.20 8 Technological controls Networks security
CIS 8.1 13.3 Network Monitoring and Defense Deploy a Network Intrusion Detection Solution
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.IR-01 Technology Infrastructure Resilience (PR.IR) PR.IR-01: Networks and environments are protected from unauthorized logical access and usage

External endpoints with insecure ports exposed


The "Insecure Ports" metric tracks external endpoints with open ports that are improperly configured or vulnerable, highlighting potential entry points for cyberattacks, which is critical for reducing the organization's exposure to exploitation and ensuring the security of its network infrastructure.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.20 8 Technological controls Networks security
CIS 8.1 12.2 Network Infrastructure Management Establish and Maintain a Secure Network Architecture
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.DS-02 Data Security (PR.DS) PR.DS-02: The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data-in-transit are protected

Repositories without exploitable vulnerabilities


The percentage of code repositories free from known security flaws, ensuring that development efforts prioritize secure coding practices, reduce the risk of breaches, and maintain the integrity of the software development lifecycle. This metric is important as it directly impacts the organization's ability to deliver secure products and protect against potential cyber threats.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.25 8 Technological controls Secure development life cycle
CIS 8.1 16.12 Application Software Security Implement Code-Level Security Checks
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.PS-06 Platform Security (PR.PS) PR.PS-06: Secure software development practices are integrated, and their performance is monitored throughout the software development life cycle

Repositories without exploitable vulnerabilities remediated within SLO


The percentage of code repositories in the development pipeline that have resolved critical security vulnerabilities within the established service level objective (SLO), ensuring that potential threats are mitigated in a timely manner to reduce exposure to security risks and maintain compliance with security standards.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.25 8 Technological controls Secure development life cycle
CIS 8.1 16.12 Application Software Security Implement Code-Level Security Checks
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.PS-06 Platform Security (PR.PS) PR.PS-06: Secure software development practices are integrated, and their performance is monitored throughout the software development life cycle

Repositories with SAST / DAST scanning enabled


The percentage of code repositories with Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scanning enabled, ensuring early detection of vulnerabilities during development and reducing the risk of security breaches before code is deployed.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.25 8 Technological controls Secure development life cycle
CIS 8.1 16.12 Application Software Security Implement Code-Level Security Checks
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.PS-06 Platform Security (PR.PS) PR.PS-06: Secure software development practices are integrated, and their performance is monitored throughout the software development life cycle

Systems with backups configured per their SLO


The percentage of systems with backups configured in accordance with their Service Level Objectives (SLO), ensuring critical data can be restored in the event of a failure, which is essential for maintaining business continuity and mitigating the impact of data loss.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.13 8 Technological controls Information backup
CIS 8.1 11.2 Data Recovery Perform Automated Backups
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.DS-11 Data Security (PR.DS) PR.DS-11: Backups of data are created, protected, maintained, and tested

Systems that has had a successful backup per their SLO


The percentage of systems that successfully complete backups within their defined Service Level Objectives (SLO), ensuring data integrity and availability, which is critical for minimizing downtime, protecting against data loss, and maintaining business continuity in the event of an incident.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.13 8 Technological controls Information backup
CIS 8.1 11.2 Data Recovery Perform Automated Backups
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.DS-11 Data Security (PR.DS) PR.DS-11: Backups of data are created, protected, maintained, and tested

Systems with their volumes encrypted


The percentage of systems with their volumes fully encrypted, ensuring that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access in the event of a device loss or breach, which is crucial for safeguarding company assets and complying with data protection regulations.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.24 8 Technological controls Use of cryptography
CIS 8.1 3.11 Data Protection Encrypt Sensitive Data at Rest
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.DS-01 Data Security (PR.DS) PR.DS-01: The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data-at-rest are protected

Systems with an up-to-date agent deployed


The percentage of systems with an up-to-date malware detection agent deployed, ensuring the organization’s defenses are robust against the latest threats, and is critical for minimizing vulnerability to malware attacks.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.8.7 8 Technological controls Protection against malware
CIS 8.1 10.1 Malware Defenses Deploy and Maintain Anti-Malware Software
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.PS-05 Platform Security (PR.PS) PR.PS-05: Installation and execution of unauthorized software are prevented

Users completed awareness training in the last 12 months


The percentage of users who have completed security awareness training in the last 12 months, ensuring that employees are equipped with the latest knowledge to identify and mitigate cyber threats, which is critical for reducing organizational vulnerabilities and enhancing overall security posture.


Framework Ref Domain Control
ISO 27001:2022 A.6.3 6 People controls Information security awareness, education and training
CIS 8.1 14.2 Security Awareness and Skills Training Train Workforce Members to Recognize Social Engineering Attacks
CIS 8.1 14.3 Security Awareness and Skills Training Train Workforce Members on Authentication Best Practices
CIS 8.1 14.4 Security Awareness and Skills Training Train Workforce on Data Handling Best Practices
CIS 8.1 14.5 Security Awareness and Skills Training Train Workforce Members on Causes of Unintentional Data Exposure
CIS 8.1 14.6 Security Awareness and Skills Training Train Workforce Members on Recognizing and Reporting Security Incidents
CIS 8.1 14.7 Security Awareness and Skills Training Train Workforce on How to Identify and Report if Their Enterprise Assets are Missing Security Updates
CIS 8.1 14.8 Security Awareness and Skills Training Train Workforce on the Dangers of Connecting to and Transmitting Enterprise Data Over Insecure Networks
NIST CSF v2.0 PR.AT-01 Awareness and Training (PR.AT) PR.AT-01: Personnel are provided with awareness and training so that they possess the knowledge and skills to perform general tasks with cybersecurity risks in mind